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Budding Buds Sr. Sec School D. M. Lohia Road, S. K. P. T. Complex Tinsukia |
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About Us
Technology induced changes and the crumbling trade & travel barriers have thrown up new opportunities, while stepping up competition in the work place. Workplaces & transaction processes have changed immensely. In this new paradigm, the profile of winners and leaders is changing too.
The schools, next only to the family, have a special responsibility in equipping the future citizens with the right attitudes and skills that would help them become winners and leaders in this new information age. A modern infrastructure, continuing realignment of curriculum and pedagogy and a committed & skilled faculty are essential ingredients of a new age school.
As Parents, we are eager to bequeath our rich heritage and a promising future to our children. We are keen that their next generation avails of new opportunities without losing their moral, cultural and ethical moorings.
Our children need to imbibe an attitude of winning and leading. As a successful parent, your search is possibly for an effective collaborator who would attend to your child's scholastic and multi-dimensional needs. Budding Buds may well be your option.
About Budding Buds Sr. Sec. School -
Established by the Shree Kanya Pathshala Trust in 1st March 1984, Budding Buds Sr. Sec. School is an English Medium School having classes from Play House to XII.
However, the parent organisation was a Hindi Medium school established in 1946 with just four students. Gradually, this Hindi Medium school was phased out and Budding Buds Sr. Sec. School was finally established in the year 1984.
At Budding Buds Sr. Sec. School, Education for Life, Excellence in Education and Commitment to a meaningful Education are of prime importance. Quality education is provided to each and every child. We believe that love for education should be developed for children in initial years and conditions should be created for them to pursue a positive approach in life.
A unidirectional teaching method is being increasingly substituted by a multidirectional group workshop method. Here the teacher becomes the group co-ordinator initiating work, nurturing students without the phobia of examinations and homework. Development of oral and written expression is emphasized upon. Home assignments are not a carry-over of class-work but oriented towards honing individual talents.
As far as academics is concerned, our continuously wonderful, record-breaking and national level performance charts are self explanatory in nature. It is said that "Excellence is never granted to men but given as the reward of labour". When I say so, I would like to mention that in our pursuit of this achievement, our teachers have played a very major role by way of their hard work and dedication, which is in fact centered on our commitment as education managers to contribute to your child's emotional, social, physical and intellectual development.
The world is changing fast and you will agree that if our trainers are not constantly trained so as to conceptualise them with the constantly changing techniques in the field of education, they may one day be extinct. It is said that "change is the only thing that will never change"
Some men see things as they are and ask why? We dream of things that never were and say, why not ? At Budding Buds, several formal and informal in-service training programmes are conducted throughout the year keeping exactly 'this thing' in mind. You will agree that today, there is a global deluge of information. We can neither afford to read everything there is to read, nor afford to ignore it wholesale. The trick is to be selective and read only the stuff that is important and relevant to us.
We believe that every individual has the potential to perform if one gets proper motivation, the right opportunity and the freedom to work. After all, in the long run, success will be achieved only when ordinary people perform extraordinarily. We have a strong belief that given the right kind of inspiration, excitement and motivation that reaches the hearts and souls of people, even ordinary people can perform extraordinarily. This forms the core of our WORK CULTURE.
The culture that we have nurtured in our organisation, provides excellent motivation to every individual to put in one's best performance in an enthusiastic and charged up environment, sans any fear of failure. Those who lag behind are counselled, encouraged, trained and appropriately motivated to do better. Constant communication on individual/group performance and School's overall performance keeps our teachers updated and motivated.
We fully appreciate that when employees understand the big picture, and are kept in the loop about performance and any new developments, they feel part of the organisation, and therefore, more involved, more excited, and more loyal to the organisation.
Students passing out from our school, due to their brilliant academic records, have been selected in India's top colleges like Lady Shri Ram College, Shri Ram College of Commerce, Ramjas College, St Stephen's College, Daulatram College, etc under Delhi University.
Every year, several students qualify for the award of ALL INDIA MERIT SCHOLARSHIP under "Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students" introduced by The Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.
Till date, three of our students were also selected by The Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India for 100% sponsored JAPAN & THAILAND tours respectively, at the request of the governments of those countries under "Exchange of Students & Youths Programme".
Other than academics, we conduct a very large number of co-curricular activities every year.
We also conduct a very large number of specialized workshops and seminars for our students and teachers every year. In all our training sessions, we emphasise on the importance of executing ideas rather than just articulating them. It is fashionable to see ideas as an end in themselves without any focus on implementation and I strongly believe that articulation is not accomplishment enough. An assumed constraint is a belief you have, based on past experience. That limits your current and future experiences. As such our trainers (teachers) are always trained to cruise along without any assumed constraints.
We also use "Memory Mapping Techniques" and "Rapid Revision Tools" which help a student to use both her left as well as right brains.
Vision of the school :
To be a value driven organization with excellence as its standard, where tradition and technology fuse with the best of the available research to provide the impetus for continuously growing by learning how to think instead of what to think. (Albert Einstein said "Education is not the learning of facts, but thetraining of the mind tothink". He used to strongly oppose the idea that the school has to teach directly that special knowledge and those accomplishments, which one has to use later directly in life).
We strive to create an environment so as to imbibe learning by enquiry, exploration and experience, rather than by rote.
Mission of the school :
Provide high quality education to the Girl Child. We are determined to transform our students to be autonomous individuals who are
- confident and committed;
- aware and communicative,
- compassionate,
- caring and honest;
- environment & technology friendly;
- striving to excel and lead;
- responsible, disciplined and value driven;
- learning to cope with life successfully;
- ready for life and the world beyond School.
Goals of the school :
To bring out worthy 'citizens of the world' who "think Indian but act global". It is the avowed ideal of the school that every child who goes through its portals will develop an insatiable appetite for excellence. The school recognizes the fact that each child must feel that soul-lifting joy that comes with the recognition "I did my best!" This search for excellence is conducted in a very positive environment where even the so-called 'shy' child revels in the scaling of greater heights.
Certain short-term goals (next 2/3 years):-
- Develop the habit of bringing healthy tiffin to school.
- Improve drinking water habit in all
Learning through experience :
Instead of teacher-led delivery of knowledge, teachers and students at Budding Buds together construct knowledge so that no student feels left out. This is supported by carefully designed project work, integrated learning and a host of other planned CCE activities. This enables the learner to gain an unforgettable experience of fun, joy and enduring learning and also to put to test the acquired knowledge.
The school firmly believes that no real learning takes place unless the learner desires to learn. The teacher thus starts the lesson plan by first establishing, the need to know and concludes by demonstrating its application to their immediate environs.
It is the constant effort of the school to 'track' each child's progress from the day she joins the school both in terms of potential and actual achievement. This will ensure that each child achieves her potential in every relevant area of growth and development, scholastic, sports, arts or any other activity.
Holistic education encompasses development of the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. It is imperative that students are provided the opportunity for development of each of these domains. Our curriculum is centred on the NCF-2005(National Curriculum Framework--2005 by NCERT). It focuses on the individual needs of learners. We wish to nurture global citizens of the 21st century, who will be alert and responsive to vital issues in their own time and space.
The curriculum ensures that the children are exposed to the rich heritage of Indian history, folklore, literature, art, and culture. The classical languages and Yoga are therefore an integral part of the curriculum. Above all, it is the constant endeavor of the staff to sensitize the students to not only traditional Indian values but also universal values - values that epitomize the humane face of Indian culture.
To recognize and enable individual endeavour, we have continual evaluation, following a grading system highlighting effort as well as achievement at the Primary and Secondary levels. In the Senior School, we prepare students to appear for the CBSE Board Examinations in a stress free environment, conducive to maximum realisation of individual potential, through regular and spaced out weekly tests and terminal examinations.
We imbibe Comprehensive and scientific assessment techniques that constantly monitor the progress of the student as well as the performance of the teacher. The ultimate aim of this assessment program is to provide appropriate support wherever required.
Physical & other Activities :
Apart from targetting good physical health and hygiene for our children, our focus is on learning the importance of team spirit, healthy competition and the ability to deal with setbacks as well as triumphs. We also allow a wide range of creative activities engaging the Multiple Intelligences as specified by Howard Gardner, so that every child not only gets the opportunity to develop a specific aptitude, but also the arena to trial varied potential abilities, thus transferring weaknesses into strengths.
The Faculty :
We position the teacher at the pinnacle of the learning process-but with a difference. The teacher is no longer the 'provider' of all knowledge. He or she is a 'facilitator', who uses the new technology to motivate the students to explore for themselves the world of knowledge. Motivated and inspired, by the opportunity of Learning to Innovate and Innovating to Learn, our teachers continuously renew and update subject knowledge and pedagogy.
The teacher is a leader and motivator; role model and mentor; learner and innovator; leading by example.
Teacher training and capacity & competence building are the heart of the learning processes deployed by Budding Buds. The Principal/School conducts formal as well as informal teacher training programs to update and continuously re-align subject content and pedagogy.
Location :
The school is located in the heart of Tinsukia town and is at a distance of about 150 metres from the old Railway station. Tinsukia town is well connected by air, train and road with the rest of India. The nearest airport is at Mohanbari, which is about 45 Km from the school.